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It’s a practical book showing you, how to recover
From my experience in the NHS I am convinced that people in pain are not that interested in theories about why they are in pain – they just want it to stop.
This is the ethos of my practice and it is also the main thrust of the book.
- I am not really interested in why you have an eating disorder,
- I am not really interested in how it developed.
- But I am very interested in helping you to fully recover and put this nightmare firmly behind you. My book has everything you need to know to – set yourself up for success and recover.
I’ve based it on the recovery programme that I use with my face to face clients.
My book is based on the recovery programme that I use with my face to face clients.
- It does not dwell on the theory of why people develop eating disorders.
- Or the horrors of suffering from one.
- It is based on the knowledge, skills and techniques you will need to recover from binge eating or bulimia.
I have laid the book out in 3 sections

Section One: How eating disorders develop
- The three risk factors of developing an eating disorder.
- Strategy for eating disorder recovery.
- The things that keep an eating disorder, firmly in place.
- Food chaos caused by dieting and the food knowledge you will need to nutritionally rehabilitate your body.
Section Two: How to recover from your eating disorder
- How to stabilise your blood sugar levels to calm your body and reduce anxiety.
- Techniques to shut up that ‘critical voice’ in your head.
- Techniques to handle your emotions without using food.
- Techniques to cope with stress.
- Techniques to improve a poor body image.
- Relapse prevention.
- How to build a relapse recovery plan.
- A special chapter for those suffering from Bulimia Nervosa.
Section 3: How to handle ‘real world’ problems that may come up after you have recovered.
- How to help your friend or child with an eating disorder.
- How to handle ‘diet experts’.
- What to do when ‘old thinking’ bubbles up.
- How to survive the Wedding Buffet (or any other buffet come to that!!!).
- How to avoid event restriction.
- How to prepare for your holidays (vacations).
- What to do about ‘take-away food’.
- How to handle friends who are dieting.
- How to cope when your friend loses weight on a diet.
- How to support your friend when they put weight back on.
- What to do if your partner wants to lose weight.
- Getting the best help from your GP.
It’s based in the real lived experiences of my clients who recovered
I have based this book on the real life experiences of my clients who have recovered. To protect their privacy I have used pseudonyms throughout. I have scattered their thoughts as they started to recover, throughout the book. I have used their actual words in the answers as examples to help you complete the exercises. I am sure that you will recognise yourself in their words and their pain as they start on the journey will resonate with you. As you work through the book let their spirit to embrace change inspire you to join them and to fully recover and flourish.
‘Bite size’
Bite Sized
In some of the chapters there is a lot to take in. As you unpick years or even decades of misinformation. Don’t worry just take your time and let it sink in.
At the end of each chapter will be a section called ‘bite sized’ where the key points are summarised. This will give you the chance to check whether you have really taken them on board what you have read. If not simply re-read the chapter.
Each chapter builds on the previous one, so it is really important you fully understand each one, before moving on to the next chapter.
‘Bite size’ Is a great summary if you want to check back at any time.
‘What you learned’
What you have learned
At the end of each chapter there is a place for you to make notes of what you have learned. This is really helpful when you are reviewing your progress in previous chapters. It is an opportunity for you to explore your feelings in relation to what you have just read.
Feel free to express yourself in whatever way seems best to you.
Throughout the book are exercises for you to do. I explain each exercise and then give you a real life example of how one of my clients have filled it in. You then do the exercise.
Once done I will explain how to interpret what you have written. Make a note of your insights of what your answers tell you.
There are lots of techniques throughout the book. I have chosen these carefully because I know they work and they will really help you recover.
There is an added benefit in that these techniques are transferable skills and once learned they will serve you well in other situations for the rest of your life.